Discover Our Services
Wavecontrol, we strive not only to develop the highest quality professional instruments, but also to offer:
- The best delivery time;
- The best service;
- The best price.
If you have equipment for calibration or repair, please complete the following form:
Wavecontrol offers ISO 17025 accredited official calibrations through LabCal, our own calibration laboratory based in Barcelona, Spain. LabCal Wavecontrol specialises in the calibration of E and H field probes. With our experience in over 10,000 accredited calibrations to date, LabCal is fully equipped to allow us to calibrate from the static field (0 Hz) up to 90 GHz.
Do you need to calibrate a Wavecontrol or a third party product?
We offer fast and efficient repair services for all our products. We are aware of the great inconvenience caused by a malfunctioning device, and so we undertake to help you out as quickly as possible.
Do you need support for Wavecontrol products or a third-party product?
Do You Need Support for Wavecontrol Products?
Wavecontrol offers ISO 17025 accredited official calibrations through LabCal, our own calibration laboratory based in Barcelona, Spain.
We offer fast and efficient repair services for all our products. We are aware of the great inconvenience caused by a malfunctioning device.
We offer workshops to help you find which of our solutions best fits your needs. If you are thinking about acquiring one of our measurement devices.
Find out more about our products from anywhere in the world by joining our webinars. We present one webinar each month.
Learn the basic concepts of electromagnetic fields, find out which laws you need to comply with and which regulations you need to apply to do so.
The Calibrations of Wavecontrol LabCal are Recognized Worldwide
LabCal Wavecontrol’s ENAC-accredited calibrations are recognised by most countries worldwide under ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) mutual recognition agreements. You can check on the map below, or, for more up-to-date information, visit the ILAC.
Our Address
Wavecontrol S.L.
Carrer de Pallars 65-71
08018, Barcelona – Spain
European Union
+34 933 208 055
Wavecontrol Inc.
101 Eisenhower Pkwy Suite 300
Roseland, NJ 07068-1054
United States of America
+1 201 479 9022