WP10M – Closing the GAP in Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Assessment: A Unique Solution

A groundbreaking advancement in low frequency (LF) electromagnetic field (EMF) assessment has been achieved with the introduction of the SMP3 portable EMF meter and WP10M probe. This innovative solution effectively closes the gap in assessing low frequency effects up to 10 MHz , a critical requirement for global EMF standards.
The WP10M probe enables users to measure both electric and magnetic fields from 1 Hz to 10 MHz, utilizing the Weighted Peak Method (WPM) for accurate assessment as per international standards. Additionally, the probe allows for frequency-selective measurement through FFT analysis, ensuring comprehensive coverage of LF effects.
Crucially, the new solution addresses non-thermal (electrostimulation) effects such as stimulation of the nerve, muscles and sensory organs, vital for ensuring the safety of the public and workers exposed to LF fields. Moreover, it is designed to comply with a wide range of international standards including ICNIRP, EU Directive, IEEE, EMFV and ARPANSA, among others.
The versatility of the WP10M probe extends to its adaptability for specific applications such as LF work safety assessment, welding, electrosurgery, and wireless power transfer. Together with the SMP3, this handheld solution represents a milestone in meeting all standards requirements, making it an indispensable tool for professionals in various industries.
Some highlights are as follows:
- Unique solution in the market
- Increased Weighted peak Method and FFT analysis up to 10 MHz/li>
- Compliance with all low frequency standards (ICNIRP, SC6, IEEE, ARPANSA, EU Directove, EMFV and many more) requirements, such as frequency range and measurement methods
- Expanded LF applications with higher frequency ranges such as Welding, Electrosurgery, WPT systems, semiconductors and many more