SMP3 Streamer: Flexible Solution for Automotive Testing

The SMP3 Streamer is a software that is compatible with the SMP3 device and WP400c probe.
Which was designed to comply with the advanced testing requirements of the automotive standard, particularly the GB/T 37130. The software allows for:
- Magnetic field measurement (1 Hz- 400kHz).
- Simultaneous measurements for both time and frequency domain.
- The user to select independent limits for both Time and Frequency domain.
- Achieving a frequency resolution of 1 Hz in the entire band 1 Hz to 400 kHz.
- Doing real time FFT measurements with the results stored without the need of an external acquisition card.
- Multiple systems (SMP3 + WP400c probes) simultaneous measurement (up to 7 devices).
- Exporting the data to an Excel report with 2 sections (results for Time domain and for Frequency domain).
- The max and minimum fields for all frequencies are saved in the report.