New WPF60 probe

Designed for those living in the future

At Wavecontrol we have extensive experience in designing probes: more than 20 years. We have now decided to go one step further.

We would like to continue working alongside our clients, the ones who live in and design the future. So we have designed a probe that can detect the frequencies to come.

A probe that detects the highest frequencies of telecommunications and 5G systems, and of industrial, medical, defence and security applications. We wanted to cover the bands of the applications of the future.

The result is the WPF60 probe, capable of detecting up to 60 GHz

An extremely versatile probe. Compatible with the SMP2 portable meter, the only one that currently covers the incredible frequency range from 0 Hz to 60 GHz.

A probe that can also equip the MonitEM and MonitEM-Lab area monitors, which allow 24/7 continuous monitoring of electromagnetic fields.

Its isotropic RMS sensors allow accurate measurements, regardless of its position. It also has excellent attenuation of network frequencies (50/60 Hz) to avoid false positives.

This probe covers present and future applications in telecommunications, engineering laboratories, industry, research centres and the medical, aeronautical and defence sectors.

WPF60, for those already in the future

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Our Address

Wavecontrol S.L.

Carrer de Pallars 65-71
08018, Barcelona – Spain
European Union
+34 933 208 055

Wavecontrol Inc.

101 Eisenhower Pkwy Suite 300
Roseland, NJ 07068-1054
United States of America
+1 201 479 9022

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