New WP10M Probe: Closing the Gap in Low Frequency EMF Assessment up to 10 MHz

EMF standards require assessing low frequency effects (stimulation of nerves, muscle and sensory organs) up to 10 MHz. Previously, there had been no solution to completely assess the LF effects and meet the requirement of global standards.
The new WP10M probe together with the SMP3 portable EMF meter allows the user to:
- Measure Electric and magnetic field from 1 Hz to 10 MHz thereby closing the gap in low frequency assessment.
- Perform the Weighted Peak Method (WPM) to correctly measure all types of signals up to 10 MHz as required by international standards.
- Assess non-thermal or electrostimulation effects which is important for ensuring safety of the public and workers exposed to LF fields.
- Perform Frequency selective measurement (FFT analysis) up to 10 MHz for both E and H field.
- Comply with all international standards on low frequency measurement such as ICNIRP 2010 guidelines, 2013/35/EU Directive, Safety Code 6, ARPANSA 2021, EMFV standard and many more.
- Adjust the bandwidth to measure specific applications and standards, such as Railway.
We invite you to experience our excellent solution firsthand. Contact us today to schedule a demo or request more information