Has your Personal Monitor alarm ever been triggered?
Part 2

- Has your personal RF monitor ever been triggered when you were near high-voltage power lines, or maybe when you were near some other sort of powerful electric equipment?
- Yes?
- Did you know that some personal RF monitors trigger alarms in the presence of high field levels at 50/60 Hz?
That is in fact a well-known phenomenon, one that causes problems for technicians who use personal monitors in field work. For example, the ICNIRP occupational limit for low frequencies is 20 kV/m, so a personal RF monitor must be able to work under such conditions without triggering false alarms
The WaveMon has an immunity of 30 kV/m at low frequencies, so it can work properly under such conditions, without triggering false alarms that might cause delays to work for no good reason.
We want you to be safe, but only to warn you when it is really necessary.
Don’t hesitate to ask us for further information.firsthand. Contact us today to schedule a demo or request more information